Aviation SMS Software

World Leading Safety Management Systems

Vistair’s Safety Management Systems (SMS), encompassing SafetyNet, RiskNet and QualityNet, has the ability to drive real change in the review, management, investigation and implementation of aviation safety-related incidents. In conjunction with Vistair Intelligence, a powerful embedded reporting tool, an airline is provided with relevant, up-to-date and actionable information
Our SMS suite supports a culture of continuous improvement and the relationship between all of Vistair’s products creates improved end-user engagement, and helps overcome the operational, technological and people-related challenges normally encountered within a high performing airline.

Balancing cutting edge technology with safety management expertise is a vital component of the safety cycle. Vistair’s SMS suite provides a vital bridge in supporting procedural change, and ensuring crews are aware of safety and important operational related changes. This completes a core component that supports Vistair’s continuous improvement through an ‘engagement’ approach.

Core challenges supported include:

  • Creating a sustainable safety culture
  • Ability to analyse data and identify important trends
  • Safety and Quality report submissions
  • Contribution to cost reduction and profit improvement
  • Evidencing compliance with regulations
  • Managing limited resources (people, IT, time)

Continuous Improvement through Engagement
Vistair’s technology enables organisations to demonstrate a clear link between increased reporting and a change in procedures and behaviours, which helps support a safer organisation.
Furthermore, this facilitates an evidence-based discussion with insurance underwriters to significantly reduce premiums.

On a technical level, the service selected can support a sustainable safety and quality culture across the airline from the boardroom to the runway. It provides the ability for individuals and investigators to have immediate direct access to safety and quality reports via web and mobile device, in a consistent reporting format and with a common classification that supports clear investigation, analysis and implementation.

The Vistair Safety Management Suite:
Implementing a Vistair safety reporting system will, typically, increase reporting by 35% thereby allowing airlines to target and manage specific operational risk areas. Our systems have been developed to work alongside each other as complementary technology solutions.

Embedded within each solution is Vistair Intelligence (VI), a flexible drag and drop, dashboard, visualisation and management reporting system.

Designed with the end-user in mind, VI’s highly flexible user interface and easy-to-build custom reports ensures data from SafetyNet, QualityNet and RiskNet provides invaluable management information.

Innovation & Development

Innovative features such as automated on-line synchronisation and distributable investigation workflows, and exceptional user experience, ensures that our safety systems enhance your safety environment. Above all, our safety systems will deliver faster, more efficient safety investigation whilst increasing the incidence of reporting following implementation by up to 65%.

Costs Vistair Safety Index Before Vistair With Vistair

As all airline operations have subtle differences Vistair recognises the need to discuss all requirements individually.

Vistair Safety Index 

4.5  Before Vistair

13.9 With Vistair

A unique safety index has been developed as a result of Vistair’s safety work with a number of leading airlines. As a benchmark tool, it ensures that local information can be mapped against a basket of indices extracted from existing clients. The Safety Index provides a means of tracking improvements following implementation of Vistair’s product suite.