Eurowings Discover goes live with AMOS

    04 Sep 2023


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At a glance        

  • – AMOS as leading system for the established Business Group CAMO responsible for Lufthansa German Airlines (LH) and Eurowings Discover (4Y)
  • – Integration of the Eurowings Discover fleet
  • – Swiss-AS heavily involved in the technical data migration

One common CAMO running on AMOS

Following the successful implementation of AMOS at Lufthansa German Airlines in 2022, the Lufthansa Groups Technical Fleet Management launched a new project named BlueFins.  With this new initiative, both Lufthansa Airlines and Eurowings Discover intended to build up a Business Group Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation (BGC) covering the airworthiness management tasks and responsibility of Lufthansa Airlines and Eurowings Discover under the umbrella of Lufthansa German Airlines Technical Fleet Management business unit.

Indeed, based on an initiative of Airlines for Europe (a group of 16 leading European airlines) and the Lufthansa Group to introduce an integrated CAMO option for airline business groups, a new EASA regulation is effective since Q2 2022 and allows several Air Operator Certificate (AOC) holders to use the same CAMO. Such a joint setup reduces redundant structures and decreases existing organisational and processual interfaces. The new Business Group CAMO enables the Lufthansa Airlines Technical Fleet Management to streamline its organisational setup supported by the use of one unique IT solution, AMOS, that is already the leading CAMO and Part-145 software within the Lufthansa Group.

Eurowings Discover joins the AMOS Community

As AMOS is the fundamental base of the LH’s Technical Fleet Management business unit related processes as well as their IT infrastructure, the Eurowings Discover fleet of 22 aircraft (A320 and A330) has been migrated into the existing AMOS centric eco system of Lufthansa Airlines on the 29th of June 2023. This brings the total fleet managed of both AOCs in AMOS to 325 aircraft. Post go-live, an agile operational fleet transition was immediately enabled between both Lufthansa and Eurowings Discover.

Establishing AMOS as the leading IT system for airworthiness management and maintenance execution supports the targets of further harmonisation of processes and organisations of the affected hub airlines. 

Furthermore, the implementation of the off-the-shelf solution AMOS allows to realise IT operation and maintenance cost savings by de-registration of the legacy product suite.

An efficient project organisation and staffing to ensure an AMOS go-live within six months

From an organisational aspect, three sub-projects were formed to efficiently manage all aspects of the establishment of the Business Group CAMO: Organisational Update, Management System and Pricing & Performance, However, specific variants related to each AOC have been implemented when beneficial or legally required.

Also, a fully harmonised management system has been defined and implemented. Consequently, the affected organisational governance, responsibilities and assignments have been established along the overall Group CAMO.

To ensure the functional and technical transition of the Eurowings Discover fleet into the LH’s AMOS centric IT Eco System, four sub-project areas were shaped: Processes and Training, IT Eco System, Data Migration and Go-Live Management. Hence, the previously defined individual processes of Lufthansa Airlines and Eurowings have been adjusted to be capable to manage the additional AOC of Eurowings Discover within the group’s CAMO setup. 

The existing IT Eco System from Lufthansa Airlines has been extended to ensure an efficient and seamless integration with Eurowings Discover’s flight and technical operations. 

To ensure that the airworthiness and maintenance activities can be managed in AMOS, Swiss-AS’ data migration experts heavily supported the airlines’ project team in migrating aligned airworthiness data and were responsible for the coordination of scripting resources. They scheduled the related workload, developed migration testing scripts, and provided their AMOS knowledge to the business teams to deliver regular testing, data cleaning and validation feedback. Prior the go-live and legacy system cutover, three complete data migration rehearsals have been performed to ensure the data validation according to the defined data quality. Both airlines’ project teams considered the data migration as very successful with an exceptional level of data quality achieved. 

About Eurowings Discover

Eurowings Discover is the new leisure airline of the Lufthansa Group. Operating out of Frankfurt and Munich this carrier takes travelers to the world’s most beautiful short, medium and long-haul destinations. A tailor-made onboard product with numerous extras and dedicated service make every flight a special experience. Travelers benefit from an end-to-end booking process and seamless transfers at the Frankfurt and Munich hubs as well as at many destinations of the Lufthansa Group and its partner airlines worldwide. Eurowings Discover is a wholly owned subsidiary of Deutsche Lufthansa AG, headquartered in Frankfurt. The airline currently operates a fleet of 22 aircraft and employs more than 1,700 people. Flights can be booked on and

About Swiss AviationSoftware and AMOS

Swiss-AS as an industry leading M&E / MRO software provider offers an end-to-end integrated, highly intelligent software suite, designed to cover the management of the entire spectrum of maintenance activities. AMOS in combination with its mobile package empowers its large and loyal aviation customer base – ranging from pure operators of all sizes, over major low-cost, regional and flag carriers, and large airline groups to MRO providers – to digitalise and automate their maintenance processes and connect with other industry solutions beyond the boundaries of AMOS via the data messaging platform AMOS central.

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