Personalize IT with Lido mPilot 6.3

    03 Apr 2023


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The customizable Lido mPilot 6.3 is here! With this much-anticipated version, customers can look forward to a number of new features, including company layers, company airport classification, expired weather, and more.

The all-new company layers module allows you to create and manage content as you desire, such as security airspaces, decompression procedures, or escape routes, which is then displayable on the Lido mPilot enroute map. Company layers are created by the airline administrator via the Lido Web Portal, and the result can be made available to your pilots on Lido mPilot instantly after publishing. Pilots are able to easily browse the layers via the new CPMY section and conveniently toggle the company layer visibility on their devices. It is also possible to show expired company layers, as well as to show company layers with an effective date in the future, in the enroute map.

Airlines are now also able to define the company airport classification for their particular fleet(s) via the Lido Web Portal. The defined airport classification can then be sent to Lido mPilot and visualized over the enroute map.

With the extension of the URL scheme, airlines are now able to open a chart, as a popover, directly from 3rd party applications. This allows pilots to redirect more efficiently to specific chart content within Lido mPilot.

The most recent addition to Lido’s weather module is the expired weather depiction. This features enables the display of expired weather phenomena in the enroute map for users with no data connectivity. Should the weather data expire, it can still be displayed with a clearly identifiable pattern.

In addition to these new features, there have been a number of enhancements to existing features with this new release of Lido mPilot. You can look forward to the improved annotation feature on terminal charts, the ability to change the orientation of the airport moving map (AMM) from the true north to magnetic north, an increased prominence of tropical cyclone and volcanic icons, among others.

Contact your Lido customer support for more detailed information and stay tuned for updates on and on LinkedIn.