Reducing NOTAM Overload
13 Aug 2019
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Reducing NOTAM Overload
skybook is a solution that is proven to reduce workloads thanks to a suite of modules that have all been engineered to help operators work smarter – not harder.
Driven by the very latest technology, skybook is the most complete solution on the market today featuring flight dispatch, crew briefing, airfield watch, flight tracking and our multiple award winning Electronic Flight Bag/Electronic Flight Folder platform.
Class leading global data sets are the driving force behind our skybook suite as our clients are able to access all vital information required for each and every sector at the touch of a button, all in a single web portal and all tailored to match the requirements of each operator.

So, what sets skybook aside from other systems proclaiming to deliver similar functionality? In short, skybook’s ability to automatically ingest, review, filter out and present information of most importance and relevance to flight operations and dispatch teams, flight tracking teams, ground handlers and not forgetting of course aircrews.
If you don’t need to see it, it won’t be included. If you do need to see it, the information will be highly visible within all applicable modules and briefing packs and will also be weighted to ensure any emerging NOTAM problems for example, are actively highlighted in real time via a series of smart alerts based on the unique minima criteria set by each operator.
Another major standout factor is the modular flexibility of skybook that allows operators to come on board literally a module at a time if required, which has many benefits in itself including reduced cost, reduced staff training impact and the ability to move to a fully integrated, automated, digital platform in a phased, structed way in order to minimise operational disruption.

Automated flight data management – lets add some perspective
As a company, we like to think we’ve got a good handle on the latest trends and challenges across the industry and we work very closely with our clients so it’ll come as no surprise that we are very aware of the ongoing NOTAM debate and the challenges this presents to operators and aircrews alike.
With this in mind, we’ll use NOTAM management as a case study for the real-world improvements that skybook can deliver for any operator regardless of size and aviation sector.
If you’re still using paper based or even a PDF based briefing solution, how long does it take or how many pages do you have to work through in order to find a problem NOTAM?
Taking it a stage further, how easily can you identify emerging airport or FIR issues in your EFB or EFF?
With skybook, the answer is seconds, regardless of which version of our skybook briefing you are using.
You won’t be flicking or scrolling page upon page of airport or FIR data hunting for potential problems as skybook will automatically identify and highlight them for you throughout relevant areas of the pack.
There’s no need to gauge the potential severity of a NOTAM either as again, skybook will do that for you based on operator specific criteria applied within settings which generates coloured alerts against each NOTAM.
And best of all, you won’t be working through page upon page of NOTAM information thanks to a very intuitive user-friendly pack layout and most importantly, thanks to highly effective operator specific NOTAM filtering.
In skybook, operators can apply both inclusion and exclusion rules to ensure that the most current and important NOTAM are included in sector briefings based on QCodes, operational criteria and time frames.
For example, an operator may want to exclude NOTAM alerts around issues like basic airfield maintenance and grass cutting or based on time periods before/after a flight to
ensure that focus remains on more important information that crew need to be aware of that could directly impact on the flight.
As with all skybook, our filter process is fully configurable by each operator.
Aircrews can drill down even further into the NOTAM alerts in the skybook Electonic Flight Bag application by filtering the time frame, level of severity and by using the search functions within Airfield and FIR briefing sections. Further examples of how we can help to work smarter, not harder.
We have even worked to ensure that the information is accessible should you not be online when an alert is generated as email alerts can be created ensuring critical NOTAM information gets through to those who need it even if they are not logged into skybook at the time.
The proven impact of NOTAM management and alerting throughout skybook is just one aspect that helps to deliver massive operational improvements across the organisation and helps to save time and reduce workloads by ensuring the information is right where you need it to be without having to search for it.
Don’t just take our word for it though as our clients will happily share their experiences of using skybook and the impact it has made.
If you want to know more about how skybook can help improve your flight dispatch, weather watching or flight briefing solutions or would like a demonstration then please get in touch via or by calling +44 (0) 1652 688 626.