Regourd Aviation group has selected iCARE AMS® Aircraft Management System by AMC AVIATION, to replace its old maintenance information systems

    25 Jun 2019


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Regourd Aviation group has selected iCARE AMS® Aircraft Management System by AMC AVIATION, to replace its old maintenance information systems

Founded in 1976, REGOURD AVIATION has asserted itself as an important actor of the aviation sector in Africa by combining security, punctuality and requirement fulfillment.

The company firstly developed an activity of purchase/sale of aircrafts, before opening several subsidiaries: EQUAFLIGHT and EQUAJET in the Republic of Congo, EQUA2R in Democratic Republic of the Congo, EQUA2C in Cameroon, AERO 4M in Slovenia and AIRMAIN in France.

With more than 35 years of experience in this sector and a desire to improve continuously the service quality and requirements in the most performing way, the group REGOURD AVIATION decided to partner with AMC Aviation and selected iCare AMS to manage its maintenance and aviation logistics, iCare AMS will help REGOURD Aviation in enforcing precise imperatives: respect of European aeronautical standards and respect of the constructors’ guidelines.