Value of using an EFB system

    13 Oct 2022


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There is plenty of value in implementing an all-in-one flight operations and EFB system to improve the workflow for airlines.

By choosing skybook you benefit from full flight data management that is implemented from pre-flight, in-flight and post-flight. Class leading modules such as flight dispatch, a fully interactive electronic flight bag and post-flight data analysis, ensure you have everything you need in one place!

Below is a breakdown of value & benefits you gain from our dispatch and EFB system

efb system

Reduction of paper cost savings

By replacing paper briefings with an EFB app within the flight operations process this has a huge cost saving to any type of airline business. With a range of obvious benefits such as reducing aircraft weight, fuel usage, significant cost savings and environmental waste.

Based on a fleet size of 50 aircraft flying 3 sectors each day, below are just some of the cost savings involved; It’s worth noting that each cost saving below is also shown per plane, and any fleet size will benefit from skybook’s added value!

Save approximately 9000 sheets of paper a day which equates to £13,140 a year saved (£263 per plane).

The weight of all that paper would equate to roughly 16,425kg a year (329kg per plane).

Fuel usage
With the reduction of paper weight this could save 3,285kg of fuel a year which saves approx. £28,483 per year (£570 per plane).

Ink printer usage
A massive reduction in ink usage, with 1095 toner cartridges no longer needed, saving £81,030 a year (£1620 per plane).

Printer maintenance 
Printers require maintenance roughly every 120,000 pages. This would save roughly £6,291 a year (£126 per plane)

6,570 reams of less paper, means 365 less trees being cut down per year (7 trees per aircraft), which certainly helps an airlines go-green credentials.

What are the total savings?

The total savings of going paperless and embracing an EFB system for a fleet size of 50 aircraft is a staggering £128,894 a year (£2578 per plane).

And that doesn’t include the thousands of hours saved in time efficiencies!

Added value for flight operations

By using skybook aviation cloud, airlines are automating the collation of OFP information within flight dispatch and flight briefing. This means that employees can be more productive with other tasks in flight operations.

The automation of data with skybook leads to many efficiencies, such as:

  • Huge time savings and a reductions in workloads
  • Less human error (such as picking the wrong briefing information)
  • Quicker shared flight data between airline departments
  • More likely to improve on-time performance improving the reliability and trustworthiness of the airline
  • Always receive the most up-to-date information

flight data analysisBenefits of post-flight data analysis

One of the great benefits of using the skybook EFB system is how all the flight data captured is utilised for insightful post-flight analytics.

After all, connecting the workflow of airline flight operations from pre-flight to post-flight, is what makes skybook truly stand out!

Best of all… you can pick and choose the modules that best suits your airlines needs. Such as our post flight data analysis known as Reporting & Analytics. With insights such as:

  • Identify which delay codes are causing problems
  • The costs of de-icing usage
  • Aircraft fuel usage analysis

What’s unique about our EFB system?

EFB all-in-one solution

There are quite a few EFB applications available on the market, although what makes skybook really unique is that it is an all-in-one solution that comes complete with our ground dispatch system; that over 100 airlines can’t be without every day.

Some airlines have a separate dispatch system to their EFB provider, this can sometimes result in problems with integration, unreliability and dealing with two different businesses to try and solve issues… headache!

We find that when head of flight operations or EFB managers move over to skybook from a different EFB provider, it is usually because of downtime issues, frustrations with communicating with the company and not having an all-in-one solution.

Our 24/7 support team and your dedicated account manager means that it is so easy to speak to us. And because it is an all-in-one EFB system, operators gain instant access to their current flight information and can easily access EFB post-flight data.

Not forgetting that skybook boasts a 99.95% uptime guarantee, with our dispatch software and electronic flight bag working in total harmony.

EFB user experience

We always have the customer and end users in mind. Our customers are detrimental in helping to shape the EFB roadmap, and we host user forums in order to understand what the future industry needs are.

Our EFB is capable of providing for different types of flight operations, whether that’s commercial airlines, cargo airlines, charter or private business. By focusing on the pilot’s user experience, we ensure that our EFB app is user friendly, uncomplicated and as streamlined as possible.

Most importantly an EFB system needs to save time for the pilot, that is why we work closely with chief pilots, EFB managers and administrators to ensure that it matches their needs.

Be sure to book a demonstration and let’s help improve your flight operations!