AMASIS (Aircraft Maintenance and Spares Information System) is the integrated technical management software used by the departments and services involved in aeronautical maintenance.


Thanks to a comprehensive and reliable information system, all departments / services (technical office, engineering & planning, procurement, stores, workshops and production) in charge of the proper functioning of the maintenance work in synergy are working as a team.
Each actor has his or her own information from the enriched and controlled data of the other technical departments in order to optimise aircraft maintenance.
A modular architecture: The software package consists of 14 distinct and complementary modules which can be installed gradually according to customer needs. Each customer benefits from a product adapted to their needs while using a standard software package.
AMASIS Support : Contact +33 (0)5 67 80 18 52 – amasis@apsys-airbus.comAMASIS 9.38 is now available !

Among the novelties :

  • Enhanced maintenance task management: Application and Deadline tolerance management, Non aperiodic application and follow up
  • Enhanced stock and provisioning management: Black listed PN, Sub-assemblies shelf time follow-up
  • New printing feature: New printing progress follow-up display
  • New toolbox data loading options to gain time and enrich you database: Pre-defined PN lists to order and/or to position, PN lists on maintenance tasks…

And many more…
Do not hesitate to contact us →