The AVTECH Aventus SIGMA, a unique weather uplink service that sends weather alerts directly to the Cockpit
Aventus SIGMA, a high-quality tool that very adequately presents Weather hazards (such as Icing, Turbulence, Volcanic ash, etc) to your aircraft, is a real-time weather alerting system which communicates through ACARS and assures your company’s aircraft are notified to new meteorological hazards related to the actual route in the FMS. The design of Aventus SIGMA reduces pilot workload and relieves the crew of difficult and inexact interpretation of weather maps, who sometimes can be 6 hours old.
Aventus SIGMA focuses on applying only the parts of hazardous weather which affect your flight. Alerts are related to points in your flight plan (instead of LAT/LONG) and if ATC gives your flight a route change, SIGMA will apply the new route to any hazardous weather along the path and send them to your aircraft.
With the latest forecasts on turbulence, icing, departure and arrival weather qualified decisions can be made that allows mistakes to be avoided.
Aventus SIGMA uses AVTECH’s unique weather service to send curated weather information from the world’s most advanced forecasts based on the high resolution meteorological models from Met Office (UK).
What does the pilot get?
The Aventus SIGMA tool can be tailored to meet all operative needs. Below is an example of what a crew could expect using Aventus SIGMA: