The Cervino Business Intelligence and data warehousing solution consists of a Microsoft business intelligence software which is integrate to your specific MRO Software

Every airline using Amos have the need for a Business Intelligence solution to be able to produce customized reports and Key Performance Indicators. The reports should be plattform independent and possible to view on the go by managers and other stakeholders.


The solution is based on using one production server containing database and application software. The application infrastructure is devided into data synchronization, data modeling, data transformations and reporting services. This gives the airline all necessary tools to fill the BI needs.


The Cervino BI & datawarehouse solution meet these requirements and consists of a Microsoft BI software integrated to the AMOS database. The Datawarehouse withdraws data from the AMOS production environment in real time, data can then be viewed, analyzed, summarized and presented to end user via several different means, that will be customized to the need of each customer.

A dashboard can be designed with the most common reports/views and all sorts of reports can be created. Users can create their own reports, however this requires training and basic SQL and database knowledge.