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KeepFlying® is transforming the $170B Aircraft Asset Management Industry.

KeepFlying® Platform helps make your Airworthiness and Maintenance data sets S/LLM (Small Language Models, Large Language Models) ready and in a usable format for commercial insights generation.

Airlines are spending close to $800,000 in additional costs as part of Narrow Body Redeliveries (almost 2x for Wide Bodies) due to unstructured technical records. Engine MROs have varying slot profitability (3-8%) margins and miss out on $250,000 in bottom line when carrying out overhauls. Lessors spend over $50,000 per Engine (higher for Aircraft) Records Inspection – amplified by holes in back-to-birth data.

We are enabling a new era of the Aviation Digital FinTwin®® (Financial Twin) through our Aviation Language Model driven data-to-dollar platform to help Airlines, Lessors and MROs save on these additional spends.

KeepFlying® has five major editions of the platform:

  1. Engine FinTwin® MRO Edition – Allows Engine MROs to simulate lifecycle of Engine Shop Visits prior to arrival – Stress test fixed price commitments against capacity and projected demand, visualize TAT risks, digitally induct files from Airlines and Lessors as part of Gate 0, track Engine Cost Build Up Forecasts and Risks, visualize the impact of repairs, swaps and exchanges on TAT, Capacity and Slot Profitability.
  2. Engine FinTwin® Asset Owner Edition – Allows Airlines and Lessors to ingest PDF Engine Packs or interface with CMS and MRO systems to create and update Engine statuses to calculate impact on Remaining Useful Lives of LLPs and other components, forecast Direct Maintenance Costs per FH, LLP costs per FC as a factor of projected utilization, forecast Shop Visit Costs as a factor of build goals, predict scrap rates and assess tradeoff between fuel costs and shop visit decisions, simulate reserves and rentals prior to asset placements and manage redelivery risks and costs.
  3. Aircraft FinTwin® MRO Owner Edition – Allows Airframe MROs to simulate Airframe checks prior to arrival. Forecast NRCs as a factor of operational and environmental variables and plan for dynamic procurement of spares. Simulate slot and bay movement profitability as a factor of capacity. 
  4. Aircraft FinTwin® Asset Owner Edition – Allows Airlines and Lessors to ingest Aircraft Specifications and Records in PDF formats or interface with CMS and MRO systems to create and update Airframe statuses. Calculate Direct Maintenance Costs per FH across components nose to tail based on current and projected utilization by comparing “what-if” scenarios. Simulate reserves, rentals cashflows and manage transitions and redelivery risks and associated costs. 
  5. ATA SpXchange – Revolutionize your digital data ecosystem by running your data streams through customized Language Models by Aircraft and Engine types and adopt ATA Spec25000, Spec24000 and Spec2000 standards to communicate validated data between your ecosystem partners. 
    SkyBot – The ChatGPT like GenAI interface allows you to query and retrieve information pertaining to your Aircraft, Engines and Components like how a Technical Records Engineer would. Stream across your content with context and reduce decision making time from weeks to days, hours to minutes.