Smart eFORMS system which is a flexible and customizable platform that can address multiple reporting and workflow requirements and processes. It can be used to replace or augment an existing Air Safety Reporting system or to be used to streamline the gathering and processing of forms and reports required by an airline. The forms can then be entered and submitted from around the world via web interface. Like all S4A products, Smart eFORMS is based on a multi-user interface with different user roles that can be configured and added directly in the system’s User Management according to the client’s needs and preferences. One of the greatest strengths of Smart eFORMS is its customizable workflow engine that allows reports and forms to be distributed, reviewed, vetted and actioned according to the rules defined by an airline. Email alerts can also be configured for such conditions as a new form being assigned or an assigned form not being processed in the allotted time.
Smart eFORMS comes with a complete set of features such as:
- Configurable workflows,
- Every form stored in a common database,
- Paperless reporting and decreased crew reporting effort,
- Data safety and integrity ensured,
- Easy monitoring of any changes,
- Forms are quickly filled in and submitted, reducing human errors,
- Configurable form definitions,
- Clear form and duty delegation.

Graphical form builder
Smart eFORMS has built-in graphical form builder which allows the system administrator to easily create different types of reports without Smart4Aviation assistance. With this unique functionality, it is possible to generate as many different forms as your airline needs. Wide variety of available information fields (label, text, multi select, time and date pickers, hyperlinks, spinner, etc.) may be easily embedded on the form grid. Some of them can be also configured to prepopulate actual flight and crew related data or even make different calculations
Key Features:
- In-flight and post-flight report population
- Worldwide access to forms
- Easy and user-friendly form validation engine with helpful tooltips
- Rich Safety Reporting and analysis features
- Customizable forms and workflows
- Access to briefing information
- Intuitive graphical form builder
- In-flight (via Mobile/EFB) offline report population module
- Maximum mobility with Electronic Flight Bag and iPad/Windows based devices
- A database of standard events and descriptors which streamline form entry and analysis
- Integration with Crew Roster system
- Pilot qualification monitoring